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Mahmoud E. Yousif



Through experience [14], the attractive and repulsive forces between two conductors C1 and C2 carrying electric currents I1 and I2 separated by distance d metre, adopted for the definition of electric current [14], is given electrically by



But since the above conductors (C1 and C2) carrying electric currents (I1 and I2) therefore, the circular magnetic field (CMF) produced by each at a distance rC from the conductor is given by



Where, k= 2x10-7 Newton per square ampere [12].


The Lorentz force ascribed to the existence of electrostatic field, used in explaining the characteristics of the magnetic force [20], while the magnetic force as associated with moving source charges is related to interaction of current bearing wire [21] shown by Eq.(1), the force is given by





Where, q is the angle between the trajectory and the fields. This force, is given with electric-magnetic parameters can be conceived to be caused by the magnetic interaction, where, as shown in Fig.3 the CMF (B2) given by Eq.(6) interact magnetically with the general magnetic field B1 such that









The repulsive and attractive nature of magnetic lines of force causing Catapult force above, is express magnetically by






Where, B1 is a general magnetic field, BC2 is the CMF produced by the conductor, r2 is the radius of the CMF, l1 is the length of the conductor producing the CMF that interact with B1, the magnetic force Fm is in Newton. Table.1. Shows the parameters relating magnetic force given by Eqs.(1), { 3}, (4) and {5}.





The general magnetic field B1 such that









Where, q is the angle between the two fields. While Fig.3 shows the magnetic interaction patterns between both the electron's CMF and the proton's CMF with the general magnetic field B1, Fig.4, shows variation of Fm with rm.


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